International Women’s Day – Meet Harpreet Deol

Can you tell us a little bit about you and your role at Ten10?
I graduated from university a few years back and had no idea what I wanted to do with my career. All I knew was that I wanted to start earning money quickly. I started working for the NHS, and then financial services where I realised that I wanted to do something outside of my comfort zone and get into the world of tech.
I have been working with a multinational customer since I joined Ten10 Academy and can honestly say it has been a fantastic challenge for me and I have enjoyed every minute of it. It has been great to put my learning from the academy into perspective as I am now able to see how many of the testing techniques are used in the ‘testing world’.
Outside of work I enjoy working out and love cooking. I have pursued my hobby in cooking by working alongside a friend to showcase and get people to taste our dishes. Travelling has also been something I have always enjoyed, it has allowed me to embrace other cultures and enhance my personal growth.
What drew you into the tech industry?
I have always enjoyed reading about technology and how over the last few years our society is highly dependent on it. The evolution of how we do things and the way robotic automation and artificial intelligence are slowly going to be the new trend amazes me greatly. It was whilst working in the banking industry after listening to business and personal customers I realised how important technology has become in our society. Soon after I started applying for technology jobs and here I am today working with robotic automation tools myself. I was inspired by other women that had worked in technology and from reading articles on social platforms like LinkedIn it made me realise we needed more women in this field.
What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
International Women’s Day is important for me, as I feel like it gives a chance for women to celebrate their achievements especially in industries like technology which are male dominated. For me it gives me the opportunity to come together with different women that thrive to be successful and want to inspire and challenge others, while driving women’s equality.
Today it is no longer about the employee’s gender but instead it is about how an individual wants to succeed and flourish in a working environment. Unfortunately, there is still a slight gender divide in society today, however by having these events and support we as women can help to remove the divide and ensure that we are all seen as equal.
What women inspire you and why?
Michelle Obama has been one of the most inspirational women over the last few years, her constant support for Barak and always believing in him has been amazing to watch. Witnessing their journey, you could see Barak has showed how he valued Michelle views through his time as President. Not only this but she has inspired me because she is always expressing the power of not letting others choose for you and making decisions yourself. She is a great influencer to not only the younger generation but those that are wanting to do things out of their comfort zon. She inspires by providing authentic leadership. My mother also has continuously been a great inspiration to me , she has always been strong minded, and positive in every situation. Having moved to the UK from a very young age she has had to adapt to different lifestyles and ways of working. She always tries to encourage me to do things that may require some risk but has always said you will always hit barriers, but a strong woman can always overcome them.